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Trofiette with Genoa-style green pesto and toasted pine nuts x 2 people

My Cooking Box


COD: H101 Catégorie

The box contains all the ingredients you need in the right doses and a step-by-step recipe to prepare the dish like a professional chef !
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The box contains all the ingredients you need in the right doses and a step-by-step recipe to prepare the dish like a professional chef !

BOX for 2 people:

– 200 gr Trofiette
– 90 gr Pesto Genovese
– 20 gr First quality Italian Pine nuts
– 20 ml Extra Virgin Olive Oil
– 20 gr Sea salt Crystals
– 0,3 gr Black Pepper


Cliffed coasts, enchanting small villages and bright Mediterranean colours… that’s what you can find in the east of Liguria (Italy). Here, the air has a delicate smell of green basil, which is picked to make the best pesto in the area. “Pesto” is an Italian sauce named after the “pestatura” (mashing) of basil leaves and other ingredients in the traditional marble mortar by means of a wooden “pestellu” (pestle). Basil is the main ingredient. Its Latin name, Ocimum Basilicum, means “royal aroma”. Its leaves are mashed with garlic in the mortar; extra virgin olive oil, pine nuts and grated parmesan cheese are then added. Pesto is the perfect accompaniment to trofiette, a typical handmade pasta that comes from this area of Italy. This particular pasta was created by expert local women, who used to shape these little, long and twisted “gnocchi” made of water and durum wheat at home.


“My cooking is instinctive, creative and comes from the heart. My creations always start with the raw ingredients, chosen carefully and transformed with the utmost respect for their natural characteristics and tradition”.
She has her base of operations in Clusane di Iseo (Brescia, Northern Italy): at her “Workshop of Taste” she organises a dinner home delivery service, banqueting, courses and Team Building days.
A face you might recognise from TV, she is also one of the chefs on Rai Uno’s “La Prova del Cuoco”.


Wherever possible we use FAVINI CRUSH paper for the packaging. This environmentally friendly paper is produced from the by-products of agro-industrial processes, in particular the residues of citrus fruits, kiwi fruits, corn, coffee, olives, hazelnuts, almonds, lavender and cherries.

Informations complémentaires

Poids brut 0,8 kg
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