Machine à café Rocket Espresso BICOCCA


Délai de livraison: sur demande

The Bicocca machine body is bold and purposeful in its design aesthetic, mirroring the innovative technical features of the product. The cantilevered basin draws the eye from the robust machine body panels to the minimalistic front view. It is here where the contrasting elegance of the machine’s design becomes apparent. The architectural approach is demonstrated when we observe the design of the machine panel sides, inspired by the “ashlar”, a characteristic element of fine Renaissance architecture.
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The Bicocca machine body is bold and purposeful in its design aesthetic, mirroring the innovative technical features of the product. The cantilevered basin draws the eye from the robust machine body panels to the minimalistic front view. It is here where the contrasting elegance of the machine’s design becomes apparent. The architectural approach is demonstrated when we observe the design of the machine panel sides, inspired by the “ashlar”, a characteristic element of fine Renaissance architecture.

The Bicocca’s cylindrical group head is visually bold and deliberately separated from the machine body. The group head is made up of three contrasting bands with the upper and lower bands having distinct bevelled edges. Although the group head body is made entirely of metal, the design pays homage to it’s technical capabilities with an intuitive touch-sensitive interface placed on the upper face.

Main features:

  • Double stainless steel boiler
  • body material: stainless steel
  • Coffee boiler capacity: 0.5 l
  • Boiler capacity: 1.5 l
  • Water tank capacity: 1.8 l
  • Tank reserve sensor
  • Rotary pump
  • Brew Group Type: custom stainless steel group with heating element
  • Brew Group Material: Stainless Steel
  • New filter holder
  • Boiler covering for energy saving
  • 3.5‘’ touch screen display with new HMI
  • Bodywork all stainless steel
  • Boilers all AISI 316L stainless steel made
  • Max. power consumption of machine: 1600 W
  • Steam Wand (No-Burn)
  • Hot Water Supply
  • PID Control
  • Shot Timer
  • Switchable from water tank to fixed water connection
  • Weight: 35 kg
  • Filter diameter: 58mm
  • Dimensions 40,9 x 46,5 x 40 cm (width x depth x height)

24 mois de garantie.

Livraison gratuite. 

Poids brut 38 kg
Dimensions 40,9 × 46,5 × 40 cm
Type d'approvisionnement en eau

Type de chaudière

Type de pompe

Produits connexes

SKU: A140


Réduction 8%

Délai de livraison: 20-30 jours

SKU: F138

Le prix initial était : 1.680,00 €.Le prix actuel est : 1.550,00 €.

Vous économisez de l'argent 130,00 

Délai de livraison: 20-30 jours

SKU: F122


Délai de livraison: 20-30 jours

SKU: F142


Délai de livraison: 20-30 jours

SKU: F140


Délai de livraison: 5-7 jours

SKU: F159


Réduction 8%

Délai de livraison: 20-30 jours

SKU: F139

Le prix initial était : 1.680,00 €.Le prix actuel est : 1.550,00 €.

Vous économisez de l'argent 130,00 

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79,00 € (hors Calabre, îles majeures et mineures)

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129,00 € (pour la Calabre, les îles majeures et mineures)

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119,00 € (hors Corse)

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149,00 € (hors îles anglo-normandes)

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89,00 €

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99,00 €

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189,00 €

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99,00 €

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189,00 €

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99,00 €

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189,00 €

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189,00 €

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129,00 €

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149,00 €

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189,00 €

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119,00 € (hors Corse)

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149,00 € (hors îles anglo-normandes)

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89,00 €

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99,00 €

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189,00 €

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99,00 €

Gratuit au-delà

189,00 €

Gratuit au-delà

99,00 €

Gratuit au-delà

189,00 €

Gratuit au-delà

189,00 €

Gratuit au-delà

149,00 €

Gratuit au-delà

129,00 €

Gratuit au-delà

149,00 €

Gratuit au-delà

189,00 €

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