Italian Espresso Maucilio Pisa 1 Kg


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90% Arabica, 10% Robusta – THE RIGHT BALANCE –

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90% Arabica, 10% Robusta – THE RIGHT BALANCE –
A unique coffee with its extraordinary roundness, a rich and strong flavor. A lingering aroma with a pleasing dark chocolate aftertaste.


The lots of green coffee arrive at our roasting plant in Tuscany from selected producers from Mexico, Guatemala, India, Brazil, Ethiopia, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Java and Hawaii.

We build long-term partnerships with the producers to secure the best varieties and a consistency in the various lots of green coffee. To ensure a higher quality standard, we buy only wet processed coffee. All the green coffee we buy is hand-harvested: only mature beans are selected, while leaves and defective cherries are discarded.

Our roasting process is slow, and its duration may vary according to some factors such as climate conditions and humidity. Our drum roaster has a capacity of 60 kg and ensures a homogeneous roasting of all beans. Roasted coffee is then air-cooled, so that it can release its full aroma. After this roasting process, the beans have become dark, lightweight, and airy. Their bouquet is enhanced, yet the caffeine percentage is unchanged.

Gross weight 1 kg
% Arabica

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In Bertazzo Italian Quality Food we are aware of the importance of your personal data and how it is used. Ensuring your privacy is our top priority and we are committed to safeguarding the security of your personal data.

You can pay with credit card, PayPal, bank transfer, SOFORT online bank payment, Cash on delivery (only Italy and + 5,90 euro), or Buy now pay later with KLARNA.

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When returns are properly completed, Bertazzo Italian Quality Food shall reimburse the price of the returned merchandise and the invoiced delivery charges within a maximum of 14 days upon reception of the returned merchandise. The return postage will be at your charge.

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If you need assistance, Bertazzo Italian Quality Food offers several customer support options. Write to us in chat, by email, by Whatsapp, or if you prefer to speak to an operator, call us.

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