Land der Versendung


Moscato Frizzante IGT Veneto 6 x 0,75 L

47 Anno Domini Vineyards


COD: G163 Kategorie Tag

Name and Denomination: Moscato Frizzante I.G.T. Veneto.
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Name and Denomination: Moscato Frizzante I.G.T. Veneto.
Grape variety: 100% Moscato. Moscato is a aromatic white grape variety which is the most diffused in the world. White sparkling wines are produced from this grape, which is easily identified by a clear and marked organolectic imprint. Origin: vineyards in the Treviso countryside, surrounded by the Sile and Piave Rivers. Winemaking: once the grape has reached peak and balanced maturity, harvesting can begin. The grapes delivered to the winery, are separated from the stems and pressed, the must being separated from the skins during this process. The cooled must is then decanted and filtered then stored at 0-2°C. Storage and ageing: best stored in a cool and dark cellar – note that it’s peak aromatic freshness is espresse within the first year of bottling. Colour: to the eye, a nice level of froth is apparent, a good tone of yellow with delicate notes of green is noticeable. Brilliant and lively in the glass. Bouquet: to the nose, the impact is elegant, delicate, fragrant, clear notes of orange, apricot, peach and rose are perceived. Flavour: excellent introduction highlighted by the carefully balanced perlage which incorporates the sensations of sweetness, acidity nd salinity.
Alcohol content: 7,50 % vol.
Optimal serving temperature: 8/10 ° C.

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Bruttogewicht 7 kg

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